Ricky and Tigger. |

This is a picture of Ricky, Santa, and me taken for Christmas way back in 1997. |

This is a picture of Ricky's first Christmas way back in 1996. |

This is Ricky and our dog Brandy back in March of 1998. |

Ricky hamming it up for the camera. |

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SuperRicky! |

Super Ricky is BACK!!!! or is that the BACK of SuperRicky? |

I hope this isn't an early sign of a drinking problem. |

Here's Ricky and Richard horsing around! |

This is Ricky in July of 1999. |

This is Ricky in April of 2000. |

This is Ricky in April of 2000. |

This is Ricky and Richard in April of 2000. |

This is Ricky, Richard, and Ricky's cousin Breanna in April of 2000. |