This page is dedicated to our new place and new city...Johnson City, NY.

Click on any picture to see it larger.
These are some of the pretty colors as Fall sets in.

These are some of the pretty colors as Fall sets in.
This shows somemore the only mall in the entire county
This shows somemore the only mall in the entire county.
These are some more of the pretty colors as Fall sets in.
These are some more of the pretty colors as Fall sets in.
Left-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex
Left-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex.
Front-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex.
Front-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex.
Right-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex.
Right-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex.
Left-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex...but this time with snow!
Left-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex...but this time with snow!
Front-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex...but this time with snow!
Front-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex...but this time with snow!
Right-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex...but this time with snow!
Right-facing view from our 3rd floor balconey into our complex...but this time with snow!